SEMCO’s Energy Waste Reduction C&I Program provides energy-saving resources, rebates and solutions to SEMCO C&I customers. Through innovative programs and tools, outstanding customer service, and a network of contractor relationships, our mission is to help our customers become more energy efficient every day.
Facility managers can select energy-efficient upgrades through the C&I solutions catalog and apply online for rebates. SEMCO customers can also partner with a commercial field specialist on custom energy-efficient applications outside of the prescriptive solutions selection outlined in the solutions catalog. The program serves small business customers through large industrial facilities.
Whatever your energy-saving goals are, we've got the rebates to help.
Lower Peninsula
Mark Pruchniewski
Senior Commercial Energy Advisor
Upper Peninsula
Christopher Sullivan
Commercial Energy Advisor
East Side
John Payne
Senior Commercial Energy Advisor
Central and Southern Michigan
Curtis Smith
Commercial Energy Advisor